LS8 35 I Have No Room In My Heart For Hate - - Live sense 8 Cover Art

I Have No Room In My Heart For Hate

In this episode of the Live Sense8 Podcast, Zac and Sheila dive deep into, I Have No Room In My Heart For Hate, Season 2 episode 7 of the Netflix Original Series Sense8.

This episode has Sheila and Zac diving even deeper into the topics they love. Some of these themes include the balance between leading with logic and emotions, children moving beyond their parents’ limitations, and overcoming the “otherness”’ syndrome.

“At this point aren’t mass shootings just business as usual in America?” Aminata, In Sense8Click To Tweet

It is painful to think about all the violence in our world today and even more difficult to see the violence from a higher perspective. This episode sets a framework for a deeper discussion of this heartbreaking topic.

“The only hope we have of making this country a better place is if we do it ourselves” Capheus Quoting His Father in Sense8Click To Tweet
  • How do we change the world?
  • Do we turn inward and change ourselves or do we take actions?
  • Is it possible to do both?

These are questions this episode explores.

“One cannot create or achieve anything unless they can imagine it first” Shiro In Sense8Click To Tweet

What will you imagine?

Have a listen to this episode and then let us know your thoughts and imaginations.
Grab your tickets to the Live recording of the Sense 8 podcast with Sheila, Zac, and the cast!!

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